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WRI solidair met slachtoffers

2-12-2016 Door War Resisters' International is een verklaring uitgegeven waarin solidariteit betuigd wordt met de burgerbevolking van Syrië, die slachtoffer is van de voortgaande oorlog. De WRI belooft steun aan individuen en groepen van onderop die geweldloos strijden tegen dictatuur en voor democratie in Syrië maar zich blijven verzetten tegen militarisering en oorlog.


De verklaring is erg lang. Onderstaand de conlusies. De volledige verklaring.

War Resisters' International:

- stands in solidarity with the Syrian civilian population who are victims of the war.
- makes a call for international mobilisation to break the silence and demand the end of bombings on the civilian population and an immediate ceasefire. Although the global peace movement doesn't agree on the share of the responsibility of the actors in the war, we do agree that only a truce and negotiations can stop the suffering of the civilian population. With Syria we find ourselves with the same grounds, or if not greater, as those that led millions of people to protest against the war in Iraq.
- rejects all military action currently in place in Syria: Russia, Iran, Hezbollah, the US and the International Coalition, Turkey, Daesh/ISIS and the Syrian and Iraqi militias must lay down their weapons and turn to nonviolent means of conflict transformation, e.g. come to the negotiating table. WRI also rejects the possibility of new military interventions which only intensify the armed violence and increase chaos in the region, provoked in large part by the military intervention of the US in Iraq and Afghanistan.
- demands the freeing of the tens of thousands of prisoners held in inhumane conditions in the prisons of the Syrian regime.
- demands that the perpetrators of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Syria answer for them, as part of a process of peace, justice, reconciliation and reparation of the victims.

- promises to support the activist individuals and grassroots' groups who, in the midst of violence, continue to resist militarisation and war, persist in the nonviolent struggle against the dictatorship and for democracy in Syria, and show the way to peace.


War Resisters' International is a network of individuals and groups from all over the world founded in 1921 around the statement: "War is a crime against Humanity. I am therefore determined not to support any kind of war and to strive for the removal of all causes of war." WRI promotes resistance to war and its preparations, and nonviolence as a way to fight for radical social transformation.
