Vredesduif met olijftak in snavel.


18-10-2022 Op 17 oktober publiceerde CODEPINK een brief aan o.a. president Biden, ondertekend door meer dan 220 organisaties uit de hele wereld, waarin wordt opgeroepen het F-35 gevechtsvliegtuigprogramma te schrappen en het budget te herinvesteren in programma's als universele gezondheidszorg, huisvestingsgaranties enz. Iedereen kan deze brief nu meeondertekenen.


This is what a peace movement united for justice looks like. Organizations in countries like Germany and the UK that partner with the U.S. F-35 program signed on. So did national groups in the U.S., and so did local groups impacted by F-35 training in South Burlington, Vermont.


Now we need individual peace activists like you to sign the letter, too! Join us in telling President Biden and Congress to CANCEL the F-35 program!


Why are we calling for a cancellation of the F-35 program? We primarily stand firmly against the F-35 as a weapon of war. The F-35 is sold to the Israeli Occupation Forces that kill and harm Palestinians daily. The warplane also spells a complete disaster for the environment, using around 1,340 gallons of fuel per hour! The F-35 program is also a complete failure -- it's 9 years behind schedule, riddled with major flaws, and yet continues to receive never-ending investment. Programs that protect people, such as universal healthcare, never see the light of day, while the F-35 program has cost U.S. taxpayers $1.7 trillion


It's time to cancel the F-35 program and invest in things that actually protect us!


CODEPINK is dedicated to ending the F-35 program. It is a perfect example of unchecked military spending -- the money we've poured into the F-35 program could be used to forgive student debt. It could be used to fight the climate crisis. It could be used to fund universal healthcare. As the effects of climate change worsen and our communities continue to deal with the effects of overlapping pandemics, we need international solidarity and social resources more than ever. What we DON'T need is the dysfunctional, trillion-dollar military buildup of the F-35 which stokes fear, wastes resources, and destroys lives and the planet.


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Bron: CodePink