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Nieuwe Gandhi-documentaire

12-10-2020 Ahimsa - Gandhi: The Power of the Powerless is de de titel van een nieuwe documentaire over de ideeën van Gandhi. Uitgebracht ter gelegenheid van 150e verjaardag van Gandhi, wil deze film ons in herinnering brengen wat Gandhi ons leert over vrede en geweldloosheid.


'Ahimsa' Gandhi Documentary Is Timely Reminder About Non-Violence Movement

Anant Singh and Videovision Entertainment announced the completion of the documentary feature, AHIMSA - GANDHI: THE POWER OF THE POWERLESS, written and directed by Ramesh Sharma (Emmy nominee, The Journalist and the Jihadi: The Murder of Daniel Pearl). The film which was produced to commemorate the 150th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi's birth, comes at a time when the world needs to be reminded of the Mahatma's teachings of peace and non-violence, especially as support for George Floyd grows across the world in solidarity.


AHIMSA - GANDHI: THE POWER OF THE POWERLESS speaks to the conscience of humanity as people globally grapple with intractable problems surrounding race, and as societies struggle to give the marginalized and underserved human dignity and restore fundamental human rights. The film brings to the fore the impact of the Gandhian message of non-violence worldwide: how it inspired Martin Luther King Jr., John Lewis, Barack Obama and the Civil Rights Movement in the United States; the Solidarity Movement in Poland as well as Nelson Mandela and the anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa.


Click here to read full article and watch a trailer

Bron: www.mkgandhi.org