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Geweldloze steden

4-4-2016 In de VS is een initiatief gaande om een netwerk van geweldloze steden te vormen. Een paar doen er al mee. Geweldloze steden pakken het geweld in de stedelijke samenleving systematisch aan. Ze leren b.v. zowel politie als criminelen de voordelen van geweldloosheid, maar richten zich ook op het tegengaan van structureel geweld zoals racisme en armoede.


A new initiative aims to create a network of Nonviolent Cities, modeled after an initiative in Carbondale, Illinois. Its goals are similar to those of New Haven, Ashland and Wilmington: "Nonviolent cities would work to end racism, poverty, homelessness, and violence at every level and in every form; dismantle housing segregation and pursue racial, social and economic integration; end police violence and institutionalize police nonviolence; organize to end domestic violence and teach nonviolence between spouses, and nonviolence toward all children; work to end gang violence and teach nonviolence to gang members; teach nonviolence in every school; pursue more nonviolent immigration programs and policies; get religious leaders and communities to promote nonviolence and the vision of a new nonviolent city; reform local jails and prisons so they are more nonviolent and educate guards and prisoners in nonviolence; move from retributive to restorative justice in the entire criminal justice system; address local environmental destruction, climate change, and environmental racism, pursue clean water, solar and wind power, and a 100 percent green community; and in general, do everything possible to help their local community become more disarmed, more reconciled, more just, more welcoming, more inclusive, and more nonviolent."


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Bron: Cuture of Peace News Network