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Ukrainian Pacifist Movement

2-10-2020 De Ukrainian Pacifist Movement heeft een korte documentaire gemaakt die de historische ontwikkeling beschrijft van de vredescultuur in de Oekraïne. De film begint in de oudheid met de filosoof Anacharsis en gaat via middeleeuwse opvattingen van vrede en de oprichting van WRI-secties honderd jaar geleden naar de huidige tijd. De Engelstalige film is op YouTube te bekijken.


Ukrainian Pacifist Movement published a short documentary movie "Peaceful History of Ukraine" prepared by Yurii Sheliazhenko and dedicated to International Peace Day 21 September 2020. The short documentary describes the historical development of peace culture in Ukraine, which includes nonviolent activities of ancient people like the philosopher Anacharsis from the northern Black Sea coast, medieval notions of peace, e.g. in the testament of Yaroslav the Wise, 19th-century antimilitary writings of Taras Shevchenko and Mykhailo Drahomanov, the emergence of Ukrainian sections of War Resister's International and Women's International League for Peace and Freedom in the first half of 20th century, official and unofficial peace movements and repressions against pacifists in Soviet Ukraine, the introduction of alternative service (1992) and the abolition of nuclear weapons (1994) in independent Ukraine. The short film in English is accessible via YouTube: https://youtu.be/tQTspdu6HXU

Bron: Ukrainian Pacifist Movement