16-2-2022 De gespannen situatie tussen Oekraïne en Rusland trekt wereldwijd de aandacht. Hoe zien gewetensbezwaar en dienstplicht, militarisme en antimilitarisme en vredesbeweging er in deze twee landen uit? Heeft de internationale vredesbeweging enige kans om de groeiende militaire spanningen in het gebied te pacificeren? Antwoorden op 17 februari in een zoombijeenkomst.
Date / Time: 17th February, Thursday / 15:00 UTC, 17:00 Kyiv, 18:00 Moscow
The tense international situation between Ukraine and Russia draws attention worldwide. How do the conscientious objection and conscription, militarism and antimilitarism and peace movement look like in these two countries? Has the international peace movement any chance to pacify the growing military tensions in the area?
Welcome to listen to presentations by Ukrainian Pacifist Movement and Russian Association of Conscientious Objectors, and discuss the themes! The languages of the event are English, Russian and Ukrainian.
The event will take place in Zoom on Thursday 17th February 5 pm Kyiv time / 6 pm Moscow time. Please registrate to the event here.
The event is organised by Baltic Glory and War Resisters' International. Baltic Glory is an international network of peace activists shaming war, gathering antimilitarists mostly from Northern and Eastern Europe. War Resisters' International (WRI) is a global pacifist and antimilitarist network with over 90 affiliated groups in 40 countries.
Bron: WRI