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De situatie in Tigray

25-11-2020 23 november bracht Refugees International een rapport uit waarin de achtergronden en humanitaire gevolgen van de strijd in Tigray (Ethiopië) worden belicht. Er wordt ook een weg in aangegeven om de situatie te de-escaleren en de humanitaire steun te vergroten.


Uit het persbericht van Refugees International:


The situation inside Tigray, Ethiopia has all of the hallmarks of a major humanitarian crisis in the making. If hostilities continue unabated, the shockwaves of the emergency will be felt throughout the Horn of Africa and will have global implications.


The conflict is unfolding within an already challenging humanitarian landscape. Ethiopia is home to 19 million people in need of assistance, 2 million of whom live in Tigray. The region hosts approximately 96,000 refugees and 100,000 internally displaced people. These numbers will only rise as trend lines worsen. And, amid reports of atrocities, tens of thousands of Ethiopians have crossed the border into Sudan, a country that is not well-equipped to meet their needs.


Refugees International launched Caught in the Crossfire: Averting Further Humanitarian Disaster in Ethiopia, a report exploring the humanitarian and regional dimensions of the conflict, and proposing a way forward to de-escalate the situation and accelerate humanitarian aid delivery.


Read the report: https://www.refugeesinternational.org/reports/2020/11/20/caught-in-the-crossfire-averting-further-humanitarian-disaster-in-ethiopia


Authors of the report are Refugees International's Vice President for Program and Policy Hardin Lang, Senior Fellow Sarah Miller, and David Del Conte, an independent consultant with over two decades of humanitarian experience with the United Nations and NGOs.

Bron: Refugees International