14-3-2019 Het conflict van Turkije met de Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) - dat al 36 jaar duurt - ging op 20 juli 2015 één van zijn dodelijkste fases in, toen het staakt het vuren ineen stortte. Sindsdien werden er 4.280 mensen gedood in Turkije en Noord-Irak.
Prospects for a resumption of peace talks look dim and further escalation could be in store in coming months. To draw attention to the conflict's death toll, in July 2016 Crisis Group launched a regularly-updated, open-source infographic depicting parameters of fatalities in the conflict.
Today, we release a user-friendly upgrade that includes new ways to visualise data for ages, ranks and hometowns of security force fatalities, as well as gender and hometowns of PKK militants killed.
Adding to the existing U.S.-Iran Trigger List, we are planning to launch more visual explainers on our website in the future, shedding new light on different aspects of conflict around the world.