Vredesduif met olijftak in snavel.

Mondiale Vredesindex 2018

27-12-2018 Het Institute for Ecomics and Peace bracht weer zijn jaarlijkse Mondiale Vredesindex uit. Er blijkt uit dat voor het vierde achtereenvolgende jaar het niveau van vrede in de wereld afnam. Van de 163 landen is IJsland het land met de meeste vrede. Syrië staat op de laatste plaats. Nederland staat op de 23e plaats. Ook hier nam de vrede af. België blijft gelijk op de 21e plaats.


Voornaamste bevindingen:

* The average level of global peacefulness has deteriorated by 2.38 per cent since 2008. Over that period, 85 countries deteriorated, while 75 improved.

* The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) remained the world's least peaceful region. It is home to four of the ten least peaceful countries in the world, with no country from the region ranked higher than 40th on the GPI.

* Europe, which has been the world's most peaceful region since the inception of the index, deteriorated in peacefulness for the third straight year, due to increased political instability.

* Military expenditure as percentage of GDP continued its decade long decline, with 88 countries recording an improvement compared to 44 that had a deterioration. The average country military expenditure has fallen slightly since 2008, from 2.28 per cent of GDP to 2.22 per cent in 2018, with 102 countries spending less on the military as a percentage of GDP over the decade.

* The average level of global peacefulness has deteriorated by 2.38 per cent since 2008. Over that period, 85 countries deteriorated, while 75 improved.

* Positive Peace improved two per cent on average between 2005 and 2013, but has stagnated in the last three years.


Lees het volledige rapport.

Bekijk de Mondiale Vredeskaart


Andere rapporten van hetzelfde instituut:

Positive Peace Report

Global Terrorism Index

Economic Value of Peace

Bron: Institute for Ecomics and Peace